Thursday, April 12, 2012

Fix a map for me

[:1]Hi Guys
I have a map that I love playing but it doesnt work properly
The map is called Kazam, its a 20 x 20 map
When I play it, the two centre AI dont do anything, they just stand there and then the other AI come along and build in his base.
Please, could one of you gurus have a look at it and fix it, its a great map.
Thanks|||Have you tried the following:
- checked your lua files with notepad++ for errors
- selecting all Startpoint markers, raise them all and then stickying them back to the ground.
- deleting all Startpoints and replacing them
If all above gives no results you can also try the following:
- Export the heightmap, stratums, lighting/water/decals/props settings and importing them in a new map. Then you place the markers again. <- this worked for me when I somehow screwed up a testmap|||It sounds like an issue I experienced once. When using an AI mod I found that on larger maps if the AI does not have land path nodes or it is not close enough to a land path node then it will stay inactive. Even if another AI is working fine the AI that spawned in the spot with the issues will not work.

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