Friday, April 13, 2012

New Map FA : Pyramid

[:1]10x10, 4 players, AI Markers provided.
For your enjoyment
Available on the vault.
Image|||Thank you.|||:D|||10x10 always run fast
I'll try it
thanks|||you welcome, as well as your comments if you have some :wink:|||The concept is great and it’s a well-made landform.
In an all-human 2v2 it may be a good fun game where the mass pickups are very important as there is few mass deposits and they are well spread out.
The 10x10 map looks good and runs very fast.
You obviously don’t care much about AI performance, as it runs even a Sorian AI very poorly. In a 2human v 2AI TeamPlay game we smashed the AIs in less than 20mins. The AI in the bottom left did almost nothing; the bottom right AI was better.
It is a fairly complicated map with multi stacked elevation levels that would make it difficult to set AI path markers for both resources and attack.
The FA Vault preview does not work.
Well hmmm… I don’t want to discourage you from making maps.
If it were my map I would attempt to provide a better set of AI markers and fix the vault preview.
roj|||I like the simple concept of 'stacked layers of land' (use them myself too :D). I was also working on a custom map and added AI markers on every position I could imagine myself expanding or building defenses. The AI made a bit of use of it, but my friend and I crushed the AI too (whereas we struggled on other maps at that time).
Is there anyone with lots of experience that could provide us with a map with proper AI marker just to get an idea of how many you'll need and where to put them?
And how do you add AI paths for FA if I'm allowed to ask? :oops:|||AwarE|||To get a working preview in the FA Vault follow Col. Jessep’s guild:
Col. Jessep’s “trick” has worked for every map that I have tried.
You just setup the map in SupCom Vault,
Then switch to from SupCom to FA at the main GPG screen,
Then click back on the already open Vault page and do the Upload
This magically gives a FA preview.
There are guilds to help you place AI markers:
From my experience the best way to set markers is to give it your best shot, then test your map by running a game at GPG with say 2AI verses 2AI with you as observer. If the AI does not build on all the available mass deposits and hydrocarbon points in less than ten minutes you need to fix things. The Sorian AI will generally perform very well if it obtains enough resources.
Once you have the AI building all resources ok you can then watch in a test game just how it manages the battle. You will find that the AI goes a lot better if it has adequate room at the start position to expand and build a good base. The FA ‘Large Expansion’ markers are very important and these also need room to build. The ‘Rally’ point markers are used by the AI as a build site for land experimentals and I find these are best placed just on the AI side of choke points near the AI main base.
My main advice is to Test, Test, Test… my rule of thumb is that I don’t release the map for TeamPlay until 2 teamed Sorian AIX manage to beat me. Then I grab a good partner and test play again.
AIX performance – Check your replays
You know your map suits the AI when:
The Sorian AIX easily builds 10 experimentals. [Record is 133 in 2hours]
The Sorian AIX has produced more metal than you at the 1hour mark
The Sorian AIX builds lots of nuke defense and some nuke attack
The Sorian AIX builds more than one LRC
The Sorian AIX gives you major pain… this is measured by the number of structural losses that your team suffers. [Record is 600 in 2hours]
Hope this helps
roj|||This helps a lot, thanks ! :)

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