Game Play:
There are a LOT of options. Use the Presets or you may get discouraged, but when you get bored with them you have infinite options to play with.
The Aeon Rapid-Fire Artillery will fire if any units are moved out of the central base area and really need to killed before you can get near the gates which are behind them. Their ranges increase with difficulty. There is a marker on the ground to show where there range ends. Hit them with lots of air, T4 air, or big artillery. The ones in the water have slightly less range to open up the naval side of the base.
Units that should really have your attention, like Specials, will be in pink. Specials will spawn in the following order: Satellite System, Rapid-Fire Artillery, Stategic Nuke, Uber Nuke. One Special will spawn per player after each of the following conditions are met: Defense Objects activated, last Scathis killed, first gate killed, last gate killed. Disabling the Scathis or Defense Objects will also disable their Specials. Make sure you watch for these events... and build SMD! Nukes will fire as waves spawn and will fire one more nuke each time they fire. The satellites and artillery will increase their fire-rate as 2x, 3x, 4x... their original rates as each new wave spawns. The Specials will spawn in each of the four corners at random distances and, if there are less than four players, random corners.
Transports and Carriers
If you see pink, kill it. Transports/carriers will continue to unload troops/air and then go back to a gate for more. They will carry the number of land/air troops that would be coming out in a wave and will carry units of a tech level equal to the level of the transport/carrier.
Nuke Subs
Even more reaon to kill anything pink... they will spawn with the other units, get in close to the base and fire a nuke every wave.
Modded Units
The enemy units are automagically pulled from all of the available units. This means if the players have a unit mod installed then they will be attacked with it. Watch out for the Basilisk!
At the beginning of the game, Artillery and Specials are worth 100,000 points and Gates are worth 1,000,000. Their points (not HP, score points) will decrease to zero over the span of an hour. The faster they are killed the higher your score will be.
Prebuilt Units
The prebuilt units aren't the same as you might expect. Each player will get two factories, two hydrocarbons and four mass. The next version will include an engineer of each faction (it's built but not released... if you really want this then ask and maybe it will motivate me to post it).
Rather than the typical text messages, I've put in real dialogs with buttons to change the level of detail, time displayed (including disable), and a button to hide the buttons when your done configuring the dialogs. These are individual player settings. In the wave spawn announcement, the numbers are in the format of new/total.
Pause at game start
Keep this on if you like to get everything queued up before the game starts. This option will also keep the game paused until everyone has clicked a Resume button, although if anyone presses the unpause key it will start the game immediately.
End game scenario
Kill just the gates to win or require the remaining enemy units and Artillery to be finished off too.
Defense Objects
Each player will get an object to defend. The game will end if any of them are destroyed. If you select Nothing for the Defense Object, then the game will be in sandbox mode and never end.
Talking heads
After each wave spawns there is a notification from HQ. This option will turn them off but it won't turn off the notifications for the Defense Object activation, killing of Artillery, gate deaths or end game.
Presets (overrides ALL settings below)
There are a lot of options. The presets make it easier. Select Custom if you want to tweak all the options below.
Difficulty (gate/Special health, Arty range, T4s)
Difficulty affects the health of the gates (x100,000 per level), Scathis range, and the number of T4s.
Spawn T4(s) after a gate dies [pink]
T4s will spawn when gates die. You can choose the number 1 to 8 or have the number progressively increase each gate (one the first gate, two the second, etc.). Did I mention you should really kill anything pink as soon as you see it?
Non-enemy unit cap
This will allow players to have more units than the game's built in Unit Cap. This WILL slow down the game so make sure everyone has the best machine possible!
Defense Objects: Startup
Defense Objects will activate after the startup time has passed. Depending on the object, this means they will begin to shoot or provide resources. However, a Special spawns when activated so consider that in the start time that you choose or disable Specials.
Defense Objects: Regen
In case your tired of it blowing up, this will heal up your Defense Object or just set them to Indestructible.
Timing: Wave period
The Wave Period is the time between waves. The Swarm option supplies a continuous stream. When using the Swarm option, Specials and nuke subs will fire once per minute. If using a wave period greater than one minute, the fire-rate and number of nukes fired by the Specials will increase as though the wave period was one minute but it will also be multiplied by the wave period. This means if the wave period is 3 minutes then a nuke special will fire: one nuke the first wave it is alive, four nukes the second wave, and seven nukes the third wave. This seems complicated but it is simply the same number that would have come out if the wave period was a minute, only they were stored up for the longer wave period. The longer wave period gives you the advantage that there is more time between waves to kill the Specials.
Timing: Startup delay
The Startup Delay is the time before units begin to spawn.
Timing: Peak Tech Time
Peak tech time is the time at which the enemy units will be spawning at their peak tech level and health level, as well as when T4s begin to spawn. Health buffers and Veterancy are also affected by this setting.
Units/player/min at PTT: Land (also Air and Naval)
This is the number of units per player per min that will spawn in the wave that comes out at the peak tech time. The number of units gradually builds over time until it reaches this number, where it is capped. For best performance, keep this number low and pump up the Health Buffer (double the health = double the number of units)
Health buffer at PTT: Land (also Air and Naval)
Health buffers increase the max health of the enemy units. Their health starts at normal and will increase to this level by the peak tech time.
Veterancy at PTT: Land (also Air and Naval)
Veterancy increases max health and regeneration rate. This is similar to health buffers, but uses the units' veterancy settings. and just like the Health Buffer, Veterancy starts at normal and increases to this level by the peak tech time.
Defenses: Gate (also Arty and Special)
Defenses range from just SAMs all the way to Strategic Missile Defense. Specials and Artillery also have the option to be disabled. The next version adds TMLs.
Known Defects
- The only outstanding item that could potentially turn up as a defect is that one person has reported the map colors to be messed up... a dark tan color and the water brown. I had seen something similar and found a post about the World Background seeping through if there was a great difference between the highest and lowest spots on the map. I had put in mountains between the gates so I levelled everything and it was fixed for me. unfortunately the other guy still reports the problem.
- On replays you must manually pause and unpause the game to get it to start. Not a concern for me but I may look into it.
- BlackOPS v4.x causes the transports to be invulnerable (they go to zero health but don't die)
Map|||Some pictures would be nice!|||uh tried to look at your script but the file is a mess.|||Not bad map, although i did not like the invulnerable air transports.|||Thank you! It's nice to finally get some feedback. I'm curious though... why do you think the transports are invulnerable? They are regular transports and there's nothing preventing them from being killed.|||Best survival map ever.
I only had time to play it once. but defently not the last time.
keep op the good work|||Quote:|||Am I blind or is there no download link?|||lempet: Vault
Viking: Thanks for the kudos. Working on a mission map this time. Are you reporting that your seeing the world border bleed through on my map or somebody elses? I'm tempted to just redo the map itself if it is still an issue.|||thwagmostar|||agreed. i cannot connect to vault either. i got instant client crash :/ download link would be appreciated.|||thwagmostar|||Transport invulnerability w/ Blackops 4.x is confirmed! They are working it and looks like we should see a fix in the near future.
Thanks Boneheads... I'd make maps even without kudos but they sure do help. I have a short list of things I'd like to do to this script, including adding in support for Total Veterancy and giving each player an engineer of each type. But still working on a mission map which is taking precedence and is either going to be a dud or super cool. AND eventually I want to pull the water out of this map and do a straight land version, which is really just some Photoshop work (hint for volunteers).
-Scott|||Still waiting on a download Link here =p|||You know... naw, I am not going to be so mean as to call new people lazy.
Anyways, it is up to the maker of a map/mod on where to publish it. If he only wants it on the vault, then begging him to put up a download link elsewhere is not going to work. AKA, log onto GPGnet and download it from there.|||seiya|||There really are a ton of legitimate reasons why the vault is not working.
Not too hard to offer a Link on Mediafire or some Map repository.|||Kenquinn points to this topic.|||Let's stop the whining and start the actually commenting on the map.
The map is pretty cool, but the naval units become too powerful too quickly in my opinion.
GreetZ ThaPear|||ThaPear, what settings were you playing? The strategy my friends and I came up with was to build a solid semicircle of land factories by the water, upgrade and send out mobile shields and flak to support the navy and naval factories. We also always played with someone as Cybran so we could build T3 Torpedo Ambushing Systems. There would be no way to survive without these. We end up with a solid semicircle of them... sometimes more. Get them out before the Destroyers and Cruisers come out. T2 Gunships help in the beginning until you've beefed up your torpedos.
If you just don't want the naval then try the land-only version.

Played a lot, even set protected item on invulnerable, and playing against eachother with humans.
Is it possibble to create an AI like this?
I mean he begin with a protected gate, and churns out units like this?
We like to play against eachother, and put in some sorian AIs for confusion. But your type produces a nice mix of units, and do not slow the game so much down, when the unit count rises.
Gate AI or something like that...
Anyway, thank you for the fun. :)|||normalius,
Glad you are having fun with it! Essentially, there is an AI built into this map script. If you are looking for a mod that could be used on any map to simulate a survival type game, look for the KingOfTheHill mod. I have not used it but I believe it may have this functionality. The game slows down a lot less when there are no AIs. I almost added one to my next map but did not like the slow down. I have thought about making my own mod to make any map a survival map but it is very low on my list of to-dos and doubt that I will ever get to it.
If you like this map, then keep an eye out for my next one. It should be ready by this weekend.
-Scott|||Aw man... This map sounds like its really fun T_T I wish it wasnt just in the vault...
This sounds like the kinda map I could play for hours and hours on XD|||You have almost won me over... I might post it somewhere for you. Probably just need more beer.
Change your profile quote and you may get some cookies and milk.|||thwagmostar
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