Friday, April 13, 2012

[REL] Enceladus

[:1]Tired of the hot and humid dog days of summer? Cool off on snowy Enceladus.

Enceladus is a 10k*20k map that features a single crescent shaped island with a small mountain range on the western edge. It suppoprts 1-8 players. Resources spawn with players so it should be a good balance of mass no matter the total number of armies.


ScenarioInfo = {

name = 'Enceladus',

description = 'A small icy moon orbiting the planet Saturn, Enceladus was one of the first human colonies off of Earth. Of little strategic importance other than a few UEF sensor stations Enceladus has remained apart from battle during the infinite war. ',

type = 'skirmish',

starts = true,

preview = '',

size = {1024, 2048},



Image|||Looks great but can you get a pic from the top looking down so we can see the layout?|||Hyperion_Personality|||Quote:|||Map has been tweaked a little and known bugs have been fixed.




Get it in the vault, or here.|||nice looking map. checking it out as soon as i can. love to see all out war on islands. :D|||Final version is in vault, also here.

Enjoy.|||Looks cool, I think ill DL it :)

But may I reccomend adding some ice glaciers onto the water?|||electro2|||I guess it depends on how much I like your idea. :)|||it wil need some scripting but ill throw it out there anyway

how bout you make a dangerous version of the map where the hail causes damage :wink: would make this map even more unique|||Why would tiny bits of hail harm a giant robot?|||because maybe all the explosions and weapons released harmful gasses into the atmosphere and these gasses made the water molecules that make hail bond more efficiently increasing the hardness of the ice so it falls to the surface like a bunch of missiles. the gasses also made the clouds able to support a much bigger hail and combined with the hardness increase the hail can cause 1 damage to a unit that it lands on. (i know 1 damage isnt a lot but some bases are under hail clouds and so is the main battle area)

is that good enough of an essay of why the hail could hurt giant robots?|||Mooilo|||Personally I think I would rather have script that would randomly darken the entire sky spawn a meteor that would crash at a random spot on the map resulting in a nuclear blast.

Also each faction could build a meteor defense structure that could intercept meteors.

But, I probably wont make this.|||Really nice map!

I suggest a second version of this map, mirrored horizontally. The four tightly-group start locations in the centre would be moved to the second island.

Image|||:shock: well yeah, a meteor would be awesome.

but the time interval between them comming down should be reasonably large.

If your able to have such meteor showers and nuke on impact (just keep the damage to ACU-death-nuke damage max or something.) that would really give a nice twist to the game :lol:

Also the idea by Raevn is cool, that way you actually use the rest of the map, and you open up 2v2v2v2 gameplay also :D|||I have been wanting to make another island on this map. Mirroring it would actually be really easy. I might do this if I get some time in the next few weeks.

Anything else people would like to see? Besides corrosive snow and random meteor showers?

Now that I think about it, the meteor shower really wouldnt be that hard to code. You could use the novax beam as a particle, just make it last a split second, then spawn the nuke explosion. I dont have the skills to do this and I dont know if it would be worth it but I think it could be done.

As for the corrosive snow, you could easily script a negative regen on all units. I am not sure it would be possible to only make it happen when they are being snowed upon because the snow clouds are semi-random. If it was over the entire map I guess that would be incentive to go get some veterancy on your units.|||I think you should avoid the corrosive snow, it just seems like a bad idea.

Meteor showers I would suggest putting in a separate version of your map because not everyone will like them.|||i did say a seprate version|||Meteors sounds like the sandworms in the RTS Dune 2. Never stay on sand with your units/harvesters.^^

Hey, thats missing in FA - land and water animals which eat your units. :P|||Roi Danton|||Sandworm behavior and resulting tactics

In Dune 2 you built your base on rocks and sandworms were only in sandy areas. The spice you harvested was also on sand so sandworms could hit your eco heavily if you weren't smart enough (one could see them coming).

They were attracted by "vibrations" your units made on the sand. A nice tactic was to attract them with some own fast units and send those to the harvesters of the enemy. After they eaten one they disappeared for a while.

So sandworms didn't cause unfair situations since you could avoid or even use them to your advantage. Furthermore they were destroyable by heavy ordnance (took a while though).

Another interesting map feature would be known areas which hurt certain units - like the tiberium fields damaged infantry in the first C&Cs. The lava script does something like that.|||@electro2

How is progress with making a map with these Island to the west and east for arty battles between them

That sounds exciting.

On the Lobby screen, this map comes up with this Island on the far left. is this right. Is most of the map nothing but sea?|||The link seems to be broken. Is there another one? Thanks.

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