Thursday, April 12, 2012

[REL - FA] Libya

[:1]Map Name : ‘Libya’
Size : 10 x 20
Players : 6 (2 v 4)
Download : FA Vault
This region has a history of rebellion, civil war and despotism. Some radical members of the Cybran Nation seemed to understand the nature of this continuous internal conflict and covertly backed both sides so they could entrench themselves deep in southern Libya and create a new settlement node. Over the years these veiled Cybran rebels have developed an inland port and a high tech resource base. These resources include a mass extraction byproduct that is available nowhere else on the planet…element 115. Cybran scientists have developed a magnetron thrust engine, using a particle accelerator to bombard element 115 producing infinite energy, to give unlimited power to their Amphibious Mega Bot, the ‘Megalith’. They were aided by the UEF and Aeon during the latest civil war to overthrow Libya’s most recent dictator. Now they have refused to co-operate with the Alliance and declared Libya as a new Cybran Nation Independent Homeworld.
The Cybran have been invaluable to the Alliance in our defense against the Seraphim and we must quell this breakaway to maintain our “co-operative” approach. We must all be included in the supply chain of element 115. “Fatboys” and “GCs” will need this power source as well, if we are to defeat the Seraphim. HQ has obtained the blueprints of the magnetron technology and only needs 500grams of element 115 to complete an engine upgrade across all Alliance faction’s T4 Experimentals. It has therefore been decided to send an expeditionary force to ensure these rebels share this major development and the limited amount of 115 available.
Your mission Commander, should you choose to accept, is to form a strong team and drop in northern Libya to establish a base for ventures further south. The Cybran rebels have a strong Naval presence and have warned they will militarily repel any adventures into their territory. Once you have established a well-defended port you have orders to destroy all facilities and clear the southern region of all present occupants.
We shall allow the Cybran Nation to re-settle a new node, once an agreement is in place to share this essential commodity.

No nukes are allowed on this mission, as we cannot risk the destruction of any stockpiled element 115.

Good luck Commander

TeamPlay Setup – Quality AI performance
2 v 2 Sorian Turtle AI
Sorian Turtle AI at bottom left
Sorian Turtle AI in bottom right.
Both AIs are same Cybran faction.
Maximum 1000units - for normal game speed.
2 human players teamed against teamed AI.
Resource sharing ON for both teams.
No pre-built bases.
No civilians
Build restrictions – HQ have deemed that Nukes and Air be restricted.
Select ‘Annihilation’ as the victory condition.
Select ‘Allied Victory’ so that the game ends when all AI are destroyed.
AIX Cheat power set to 1.4 and 1.4
Elite mission …verses 2AIX Sorian Turtle AIs

TeamPlay has only one rule:
All allied Commanders that start must finish the game alive…
If any Commander dies or leaves the mission is lost.
A hollow victory…
No team has managed to defeat the AIX Sorian AI that starts in the south.
Testers were saying that it is impossible to win if you start in the north… I would normally wait until a team reports that they have beaten the AIX in a good game, before I release the map.
The problem is that the map is asymmetrical in landform and also is somewhat unbalanced in resources. The TeamPlay mission requires the Human team to start in north Libya.
I have edited Libya to make it a little easier by adding more mass available to the Human team, so that people don’t get too frustrated trying to win here. I have changed the landform to allow the north to build more defenses near the shoreline. Also mass deposits that were once exposed and close to shore have been moved to a more protected position. It is supposed to be hard… but still fun to play.

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