Thursday, April 12, 2012

[REL - FA] Nautilus

[:1]Map Name : Nautilus
Size : 10 x 20
Players : 4
Download : FA Vault

A remote and lonely atoll in the South Pacific has become the hideaway of a rebellious Commander who insists on calling himself “Commander Nemo”. He has stated that his forces on Nautilus are not aligned to any faction and that he will welcome dissident Commanders from any faction to join his campaign. He has even invited disgruntled Seraphim Commanders to join… this cannot be tolerated.
The basis of his movement is the ridiculous conspiracy theory that “the UEF started war with the Seraphim by secretly attacking their undefended outer home planets. And then when the Seraphim retaliated, it was portrayed as an unprovoked alien invasion. The solution was to form an alliance between Aeon, Cybran and UEF to repel the threat, thus giving UEF implicate command control.
Problem – Reaction – Solution”
…haha what a joke…there is no proof to back these outrageous claims.
Your mission Commander is to quell this uprising immediately and ruthlessly. We must prevent further leakage of our skilled Commanders that are fooled into joining Nemo’s flawed logic sect. A previous mission that was sent to conference with this rogue commander disappeared without trace. This time there will be no negotiations… show no mercy…crush the rebellion by annihilating all resistance. We cannot allow this spring of subversive belief to exist in the New Galactic Order.
Your Team will drop in the undefended western region of the isle, establish a base and proceed east by taking control of both land and sea.
Good Luck Commander.
TeamPlay setup – for quality AI performance.
2 v 2 Sorian Turtle AI
Sorian Turtle AI at top right.
Sorian Turtle AI in bottom right.
Both AIs are same Aeon faction…. Any faction will perform well.
Maximum 1000units - for normal game speed.
2 human players teamed against teamed AI.
Resource sharing ON for both teams.
No pre-built bases.
No civilians
Build restrictions – HQ have deemed that no restrictions are necessary. Although Nukes and Air can be restricted to give a greater focus on Naval.
Select ‘Annihilation’ as the victory condition.
Select ‘Allied Victory’ so that the game ends when all AI are destroyed.
New Condition
Set Naval expansions from unlimited to 6… this is necessary to prevent the AI wasting resources that could have built an experimental, instead building too much navy.
Elite mission …verses 1 Sorian Turtle AI + 1 AIX Sorian Turtle AI
AIX Cheat power set to 1.4 and 1.4(you may need to reduce to 1.2 to enjoy this mission)
Extreme Suicide mission…. Verses 2 AIX Sorian Turtle AI
Order of AI faction difficulty on map:
Aeon… hardest
Cybran… easier unless AIX

TeamPlay has only one rule:
All allied Commanders that start must finish the game alive…
If any Commander dies or leaves the mission is lost.
A hollow victory…|||Glad to see a new map, I'll download it and give it a try!|||Fun Map ^-^ (Yes, It means I can access the vault now XD)

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