Thursday, April 12, 2012

[REL] Moonlight Series Maps

[:1]Moonlight Series Maps
Download complete map pack ... aps_zipurl
Firelight is an intense fight through a narrow canyon and the surronding desert. Commanders will need to manage their forces on multple fronts as with the other Moonlight maps to be successful.
Firelight is 5km*5km, includes FA AI markers for enjoyable play against AI and is in the vault under the name "Firelight".
Image ... rd/Yth.png
Moonshine Party
2v2 version of Moonshine. Having a teammate helps take alot of the load off this very complicated map to master.
This area was the site of a small skirmish between two rouge UEF commanders and their superior. Needless to say they did not last long against their commanding officer. Map is 5km*5km and is in the vault under the name "Moonshine". AI does not play well on this map, so play a human.
Note that the middle hill cannot be reached by land units from below. Because the hill is very valuable stragically I suggest placing either your first or second factory on the hill to attempt to gain control of it. Also, be aware of high winds that can cause sudden dust storms. ... ine002.png ... ine004.png
This area was the site of a small skirmish between two Aeon commanders in training. As a result there are multiple small wrecks to be reclaimed. Map is 5km*5km and includes FA AI markers. Map is in the vault under the name "Moonlight".
Image ... 11_007.png ... 11_006.png

Moonlight Mesas
This 1v1 is intended to provide a slightly different game dynamic. With no easily defensible positions, intel is vital, and early raiding a must. Map is 5km*5km, includes FA AI markers. Map is in the vault under the name "Moonlight Mesas"
Image ... sslope.png ... sas006.png
Moonlight Swamps
This 2v2 area includes several underwater mass points and minor reclaimables dispersed across the map. Again, Aeon tend to be very strong on this map. Map is 10km*10km, includes FA AI markers. Map is in the vault under the name "Moonlight Swamps".
The Swamp
The Swamp is the same map with brighter lighting.
Image|||Looking forward to the 4v4..|||Apparently the vault had a problem with the former name so this mappack will now be called Moonlight. The former version cannot be located in vault when double clicked on in custom game window, this version fixes that issue and will be the final version of this map.

Can be found by searching by name "Moonlight".

Have fun Commanders.

Also the 4v4 version is underway and coming along nicely.|||Cool beans. Hopefully the 4 player will be out for the weekend?? 8)|||Awesome map. Just played a few games with Zock and it's really fun.|||The 2v2 is in the vault.

Also check out Brainsteel_Inc play Sir_Loui and Zock on Moonlight.



Enjoy|||Not sure if anyone cares about 1v1, but I made another anyway. ( Moonlight Mesas ) Seems like most people like huge 8 player custom maps more than small 1v1s. Anyway, details in original post.|||I like small maps. I tried mesas, it's very good. Nicely done.

I made a couple of very small 2 x 2 maps back in the day.|||Quote:|||Fourth map in series is out, details in original post. If you see me on GPGnet I'm always up for a 1v1.|||Latest map, Firelight, is complete and in vault. I have also compiled all of the maps in to a single download for those of you who dislike the vault or just want them all at once.

Hope you enjoy. And feel free to comment so I am not the only one posting in this thread. :)

Peace|||Thanks for including AI support. I'm going to download, and will try these maps this weekend. :)|||Let me know how it goes if you play with AI. I dont really mess with it much so there are probably things I could improve upon in the future.|||these look good dude, nice work.|||These maps look great! Would you mind uploading them SupCom Files, or would you prefer for me to simply copy the files across the FileFront network as SupCom Files is part of FileFront anyway.|||The link seems to be broken. Is there another one? Thanks.|||Too much orange! :shock:|||smitty11

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