Friday, April 13, 2012

[REL] Rampart

[:1]Map Name : Rampart
Players : 4 [2v2]
Map Size : 20 x 10 [15k]
Download : FA Vault

Welcome Commander
The Aeon Illuminate has discovered a way to derive unlimited amounts of Quantum Energy from fresh water. Princess Rhianne Burke has teleported onto the planet to supervise the fortification of this resource and production of the Paragon - Experimental Resource Generator. Geo-forming and earthworks have already been completed and the area has become know as Rampart rivers.
Your mission, if you decide to accept, will be to destroy or capture the Paragon and rid the area of these aliens before they become so powerful that their presence becomes permanent.
If you could manage to capture the Paragon, allowing us to reverse engineer the technology, you will be rewarded with the greatest Honor the Galactic Council can bestow.
Intel reports suggest that deep sinkholes have appeared, these may be adapted as air-raid shelters, to protect you while your fighters take down the ‘CZAR’ flying fortress. The Aeon forces have been identified as the elite Sorian AIX troops.
Only one other Commander can assist in this operation as the landing vector is narrow.

Map can be played East verses West as:
TeamPlay [2v2AIX],
Skirmish with a bot partner[1+AI v 2AIX],
All human Multiplayer [2v2].

TeamPlay Setup – for quality AI performance

Can be played from either end as a 2 verses 2AI.
2 human players teamed against 2 teamed AI.
Place Sorian Water AIX AI in north east.
Place Sorian AIX AI in south east.
Resource sharing ON for both teams.
1000units max for normal game speed.
No pre-built bases.
No civilians
No build restrictions.
Select ‘Annihilation’ as the victory condition - game ends when all AI is destroyed.
Select ‘Allied Victory’ so that the game ends when all AI are destroyed.
AIX Cheat power set to 1.4 and 1.4
Elite mission only…attempt to capture the Paragon

Remember only one rule in TeamPlay:
All allied Commanders that start must finish the mission alive…
If any Commander dies the mission is lost.
A hollow victory…
Good luck Commanders
Image|||Thanks for this. Had a quick game against the AI and had some good fun.|||Your welcome slinki… My aim is to create maps that run fast and provide a good AI opponent for a fun match. Glad you enjoyed the game.
roj|||I enjoy all your maps. I find it strange you do not have more positive feedback!|||Thankyou slinki
I just love this game and play it with friends every day.
FA could have been much more popular if only the developers would admit to the AI slowdown problem and issue an Official Configuration Update that includes:-
1. Setting the Strategic Overlay to ‘Rollover’ and ‘Build Preview’ only.
2. Advising a max 1000 units cap.
3. Installing ‘Core Maximizer’
4. Installing Sorian’s latest AI, Duncan’s AI fix and the lobbyenhancement.scd
5. Providing an ‘In Game’ options list for best game speed… such as shadows off, medium fidelity, medium textures, no AA, no bloom render and no vertical sync.
6. Include some fast Rectangular maps that feel larger than they really are because you have wide separation between your base and the enemy.
7. Be honest with their recommended minimum system requirements like say C2D CPU at 3GHz and 2Gb RAM.
8. Explain that adding too many weak AIs will provide an unintelligent enemy and a slow game compared to one AIX AI.
9. The Fog of War code should be rewritten, as it never slowed TA. If it is not possible to optimize the code then advise people with slow computers to turn the Fog off.
10. Include a little program that details for the non-nerdy which background tasks and services could be shutdown to improve game speed.
11. Provide a new ‘Perf test’ that does not give max 10,000 sim and only rate the GPU.
12. Improve the interaction between Win7 64bit and the Vault.
Of course they have improved many things with FA so I don’t want to sound too negative.
The included AI is a big improvement over the original SupCom.
FA uses much less virtual memory than SupCom and in any case has the ‘large address aware’ header to go beyond 2Gb[Although I do not recommend this for a fast game].
The Seraphim faction and the balance changes are all good.
It is an amazing game and easily the best RTS game available.

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