Friday, April 13, 2012

[REL] Warcraft

[:1]Map Name : Warcraft
Players : 4 [2v2]
Map Size : 20 x 10 [15k]
Download : FA Vault

A State of Emergency has been declared!
The alien forces of the Seraphim nation have landed in the east and are building a Quantum Arch to stabilize the rift; once its construction is completed, no one will be able to survive the armada of Seraphim that will flow through it. Thus, the Coalition must launch an all-out assault to save Earth.
This is an urgent call for all commanders to unite and respond to this threat.
Expect fierce opposition, as the Seraphim are well established and very powerful.
The Seraphim have disabled our airforce by some mysterious magnetic influence that appears to have caused a pole shift rendering flight impossible.
Only Elite Commanders will survive this TeamPlay mission.

Can be played East verses West as:

TeamPlay [2v2AIX],
Skirmish with a bot partner[1+AI v 2AIX],
All human Multiplayer [2v2].

TeamPlay Setup – for quality AI performance

2 human players teamed against 2 teamed AI.
Place 2 Sorian Turtle AIX AI in the east.
Make them Seraphim faction.
Set Air OFF in Unit Manager
No other build restrictions
Resource sharing ON for both teams.
1000units max for normal game speed.
No pre-built bases.
No civilians
Select ‘Annihilation’ as the victory condition.
Select ‘Allied Victory’ so that the game ends when all AI are destroyed.
Set AIX Cheat power to 1.4 and 1.4
This is an Elite player mission.

Remember only one rule:
All allied Commanders that start must finish the game alive…
If any Commander dies the mission is lost.
A hollow victory…
Good luck Commanders



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