Thursday, April 12, 2012

[REL] Tithonium Chasma

[:1]The Tithonium Chasma sits at the northwest end of the Valles Marineris. Filled with resources vital to the early war effort, this small plot of Martian surface witnessed a small skirmish between the UEF and the Cybran Nation in the early stages of the infinite war.
Tithonium Chasma is a large 40km*40km 1v1 or 2v2 open martian style map.
Patch 3603 balance is suggested for optimal play on Tithonium Chasma.
Tech 1 land and air spam will be necessary to expand, capture and hold auxiliary positions which are numerous across the map. Tech 2 will be needed to assault enemy outlying positions and Tech level 3 land and air will be needed to conquer major positions. If siege bots and strategic bombers are insufficient; well, that is what you have experimentals for.
This won't be a battle, it will be a war.
FA AI is fully supported.

Available in the Vault and on Filefront. Filefront upload is compatible with vault upload. Mirror courtesy of Reddev32.|||Goddamn, that is a sexy looking map.
I'm going to play this Tonight, but have you considered smaller size maps? 40km is a bit to large for my tastes.|||DO WANT!

Such a good looking map!

ALthough I would like a smaller size, I never play maps that large :(|||I also think this looks good, but would appreciate a smaller version.|||Just tried the map, and I have to say, Its nice work BUT.... The starting positions are way to close to each other. Cant have a full out war if the enemy is right outside your base already X-x|||The starting positions were moved closer together to speed up the early gameplay. Any further apart only encourages turtling which is certain defeat on this map. The intent is to have all tech levels in all theaters play a vital role. The need to rapidly expand ensures the use of tech 1 land and air. Armies 1 and 2 spawn about 10km apart, a little further than on Open Palms.|||Lovely work - I really appreciate the larger map size.|||Love the photographic quality maps too.
Real environments really set this one aside from beginners' work.
Good job and thx for the non-vault upload.
P.S. The only thing - if you check Nasa's photos, Martian skies are anything but light blue. Try the light pinkish/grey for extra realism.
Wonder if you could make this little extra amendment, thank you :)|||I am unaware of any way to change the sky. Both the vanilla and FA stock maps have a bunch of different sky types but when these different types are selected in the map editor and saved the game still shows the default sky. The only thing that can be done as far as I know is to change the color of the light which is what I have done. I agree with you and have wanted to use different sky types in my maps but it just isn't possible. Possibly, you could modify a stock map like Haven's Reef that has a more unearthly sky. Not sure about that though.

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