Friday, April 13, 2012

[REL][SC2][MOD MAP]Treallach Jungle v2

[:1]Welcome to the Treallach Jungle - a modified skirmish/MP map for supreme commander 2.
Please read the below information about the map in order to maximize your little bit different supreme commander 2 experience...
1. How to install and play the map:
Download the "" (link below) extract it and put "treallachjunglev1.scd into your supreme commander 2 gamedata folder.
Create a skirmish game or host a multiplayer game and choose the map. The map will show up as a extra "Setons clutch". If you have installed the map correct you will see this screen;
What ever you want to play (1v1, 2v2, 4v1, FFA, etc...) you need to put any AI:normal at position 8 (the middle lower position). Else the jungle will not show up!
This is not a ordinary mod. This is a mod map and that means that this map will NOT break MP rank matches or other multiplayer matches. It will not break the campaign or any save files and will probably be still working after the next patch. - Just be 100% sure that all players got the exact same version of the game. So there are absolutely no reason not to download this map and try out!
You will need the DLC in order to play this map, but as cheap as it is for the moment I guess you got it already anyway... :-)
2. Map features and main philosophy;
Treallach Jungle is my little test project there I have been playing around with the codes from the supreme commander 2 files. The goal has been to create a different map there different starting positions and factions will force you to play the map different. It looks like a mirrored map, but its not and will never be.
Main changes from the map Treallach Island;
-No mass spots; In order to get mass you need to reclaim the jungle tree. In order to reclaim the jungle tree to need to put your engineer or commander on patrol. The trees wil not grow back so when the last tree is reclaimed or destroyed (yes the trees are very fragile) its high time to research mass conversion!
-Capture stuff; Normal supreme commander 2 maps are plain and empty. Treallach Island got not only trees but also secrets and unknown objects. in order to make the battle slightly more favorable for you its better to reclaiming or capture these things on the hills before your enemy!
-Dynamic world and destructable environment; Sounds too good to be true, and well it is, but the jungle of Treallach is not only mass. Units bigger than bots will have their speed slowed down to 50% and all units will be more or less hidden from the radar as long as they are near a tree! So what to do if you cant catch your enemy bots? Go artillery or major experimental (they are destroying the trees by walking) and destroy the jungle and blow out their hide outs!
3. Presentation of map objects;
3.1 Old artillery Station;
For a long time ago there were huge plans for this island. It was the perfect place to defend the rest of the Treallach coast and the work begun with transforming the island to a fort. The only thing that still are intact today is this huge artillery station. Slow and outdated, but free fire power is good fire power...
3.2 Advanced communication center;
Scientists from all factions have done expeditions to this Island several times. All with limited success. The main reason was the hostile jungle environment. One expedition set up a huge advanced communication center on a hill. The center scans all frequencies and are able to present a very clear picture of the Island. The expedition met a tragic end but the communication center is still functional!
3.3 Treallach meteors;
The toxic level of sulfur would killed any commander outside the ACU. The toxic gas comes from the meteors of the north hill. You have two options; Report the location to the scientist or reclaim the huge rocks and build up your army with the exotic minerals and metals you can find inside. I know what your enemy will choose if he arrives first...
3.4 Trellasaurus
You can feel it -Somewhere inside the deep jungle there are ancient monsters searching for preys. in order to be the supreme commander of this forsaken jungle island you need to find these monsters and kill them to gain knowledge, experience and fame or maybe you can ally yourself with the Island habitants?
4. Issues;
-All players need the same version of the map installed in order to play the map.
-All players playing the map needs the DLC enabled.
-The "slowdown" in the jungle looks "laggy" and that because my limited knowledge.
-Some jungle trees are stuck and will not be reclaimed or destroyed. This is also due to my limited knowledge.
-Do not kill the AI commander in the top left corner. The game will crash.
-Because of this commander issue there will never be any "winner", then its only one player left -Use the ctrl+k to end the game.
-The map is heavily play tested, if you feel the map is unbalanced, its probably because you play the map as a normal supcom2 map. This map is very micro intense and you need to be aware that your normal research path might not be the most efficient on this map.
Anyway, this map is for fun and I will update it by request. Send me a replay or just a comment here or by email at

Find the map here: "treallachjunglev1"

Good luck commander! :-)|||Me, Pulse and Cygnus play-tested this map. We do have a few things to note.

- the dinos need to be spread out (having them all on the mesa means whoever gets to it first gets all of them)
- the arty installation is useless as is... if you were to make it more powerful it would make it worth capturing
- the intel station is fine
- because there are no mass spots whatsoever, it encourages the use of mass conversion, maybe putting a few initial mass spots at the spawn points would encourage other strategies|||Perhaps a few mass points in the middle of the jungle to promote aggressive play?|||X-Cubed|||-The-Baron-|||Finally! Had some huge problem with steam.
Anyway, version 2 uploading now!
-More valuable jungle now one engineer can by reclaiming jungle almost support one factory.
-Less jungle tree been able to use a supcom1 editor to put down the trees. The jungle looks better and not so many floating or "stuck" trees anymore. :)
-Stronger artillery, easier to capture.
-Meteor stones easier to reclaim.
-Trellasaurus nerfed and four of them are on the "ground level". Harder to capture.
-Position 7 will start with two meteor stones if you want to play 4v1 or something.
By fransotto at 2011-01-13
By fransotto at 2011-01-13
By fransotto at 2011-01-13

Have fun!
PS. Please remove version 1 of the map before play.|||download link doesn't work :(|||colacan|||Alternative link;
Have fun! :)

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