Thursday, April 12, 2012

Thygrrr's box of Cool Tools™

[:1]Thygrrr's box of Cool Tools™

This is a spinoff from my "1st map" thread here. Not much to see there, I'm still busy sorting out a good workflow between my tools and the Map Editor.

Milk|||Nice, I will definitely take a look at some of these.|||And one more,

If you email the developer and ask nice :lol: he will give you a temp key for the pro version of his terrain renderer.|||Ah, thanks, I've used L3DT in the past for another project. I found it a bit unintuitive, but it has really neat features, like adding volcanic craters. etc. Added to the list!

I think L3DT Standard Edition is pretty good for creating landscapes already, though... the pro version's Indie license is very affordable, though (USD 34 if you make less than USD 250,000 revenue a year).

Terragen comes in at USD 99 if you want to generate terrains bigger than 513x513 (which would be 10kmx10km in SupCom, if I'm not mistaken). You can always scale and re-sharpen your exported heightfields in an image processing software though, depending on your skill.

The Texture Maker Basic License is also quite affordable (USD 29.95) and has most of the every-day usage features in it.|||This thread should be "stickied".

Btw, Terragen was widely used for making TA maps, nice to see someone remembering this tool. A good site for plugins/converters for Terragen:|||that picture would of that terrain would make an absouletely sweet map :D

you wouldn't happen to know a good converter for aerial pics to heightmaps|||viperj|||Does anybody know if it is at all possible to import heightmaps into modelling applications like Maya?|||It's definitely possible, though you might need an intermediary plugin or another software like Bryce that can export heightfields as 3D models.

Terragen's animation system interfaces with Maya through a software package called MATG.

Official Site:

You can find other Terragen integration tools here: ... ntegration|||How can I export raw from terragen? It doesn't seem to have a 16bit raw IBM type :( (only motorola and intel)|||vieuxchat|||Use intel. That's the right byte order.

I wonder why they ever do that. It's either Big Endian (Motorola, PowerPC, many others) or Little Endian (Ibm, Intel, many others). Calling it anything other than Little/Big Endianness is misleading.|||Vielen Dank Thygrrr werd ich mir alles ma anschaun :))|||hmm; you might add WorldMachine to your list. Worldmachine can be obtained from here:

The basic edition is free;

there are two backdraws:: the basic edition allows only terrains with 512x512 in Size and it is a rather complex program.

The advantage is that you have more control over your terrain.

::edit:: cheap but it should show the point

that screen shows some sort of field test/proof of concept for a 1on1 map; i'm currently working on.

Oh and a decent idea would be to include wether your tools can handle those RAW files created by the map editor, cause it seems that GIMP and can't open these.[/url]|||you all have no idea how helpful this thread is!!



Awesome heightmapping tool. The upcoming version 2 is looking to be kickass. The only problem is that the creator's English isn't the best.|||well i try that demo out; to bad the full version costs 60 bucks|||Very cool stuff Thygrr. I will be checking back when it's map making time again, atleast for me.

I'm looking forward to all the cool collections of textures people will be making and hopefully sharing. I only wonder if the 5 layer limit will ever be bypassed or somehow improved on to make more realistic looking maps.|||I'm considering abusing one of the strata as a light map, actually. I think it's sad we don't have a lightmap layer...|||Thygrrr|||anyone wouldn't to happen to know a a free program which allows to edit raw files with paintshop kinda tools like cut paste move etc|||i dont suppose use can use Vue 5 for supcom? im only learning vue and i know little to nothing about supcom mapping but...|||if you able to export your complete scene as a heightmap, you can. otherwise you could (ab)use vue Esprit to create a mountain or a canyon for your map (from what i remind of the version 2.x, you could export a generated "terrain object" ) and do the rest with something else (PhotoShop)|||Arklon|||Thygrrr

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