Thursday, April 12, 2012

[REL - FA] River Plate - Naval Teamplay

[:1]Map Name: River Plate
Size: 10 x 20
Players: 6
Download: FA Vault and

Welcome Commander,
Reconnaissance has reported sighting battleships cruising near the delta of the River Plate. This news has stirred memories of the destruction caused by the ‘Admiral Graf Spee’ in 1939. We must face the threat of these capital ships as we did back then by sending a fleet to engage… before they unleash their massive firepower upon our shore installations up-river. This region has rich mass deposits sited throughout the River Plate delta. We must prevent these resources from falling into the wrong hands.
Your mission Commander, should you wish to accept, is to drop in the northern zone and setup a strong base, then proceed south to gain control of this vital waterway , eliminate the enemy by destroying all naval installations and any land defenses.

TeamPlay Setup – Quality AI performance
2 vs. 2AIX
AIX Sorian Water AI at bottom left
AIX Sorian Water AI in bottom right.
Both AIs are same faction… strongest in order would be UEF, Aeon then Cybran.
Maximum 1000units - for normal game speed.
2 human players teamed against teamed AIX AI.
Resource sharing ON for both teams.
No pre-built bases.
No civilians
Build restrictions – HQ have deemed that Air be restricted.
Select ‘Annihilation’ as the victory condition.
Select ‘Allied Victory’ so that the game ends when all AI are destroyed.
AIX Cheat power set to 1.4 and 1.4
Elite mission …this is an elite mission at difficulty 9/10
TeamPlay has only one rule:
All allied Commanders that start must finish the game alive…
If any Commander dies or leaves the mission is lost.
A hollow victory…
This map has balanced landform and resources and can be used for all human team games, played from either end, N vs. S, 3 vs. 3 or 2 vs. 2.
Air should be restricted to improve game speed.
Any more than 2 AIs will slow it down some. It will also run better when only two factions are fighting the battle. Example: [2UEF humans vs. 2Aeon AIX]

Good luck Commanders

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