Monday, April 23, 2012

Giant Earth Maps

Been real excited about all the nice looking Earth maps, beautiful detail and all, looks good, plays good

Except for one thing....

Where's New Zealand!

Every single full Earth map (and the single Australia one) cuts off New Zealand, my poor unwanted country :cry:

If someone is looking for ideas for a new map here's one - 1v1 New Zealand - simple North vs South (NZ is two islands for the uninitiated)

As a diehard TA fan I considered NZ tactically brilliant - study topographical maps to see the mountain ranges (Kaimai, Southern Alps, Bombays)

As I have neither the time nor the talent to even consider building this myself, would be most grateful if anyone would consider this task|||It would actually be remarkably easy as there's freely available good quality DEM of New Zealand.

In fact if someone else wants to take the time to do the texturing I have the DEM sat here and can generate the heightmap for them.|||What's a DEM? and is texturing difficult? (ahem... as i said, talentless at mapmaking)

Will help wherever I can, if that makes it any better lol|||Digital Elevation Model.

The publicly available SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission) data is probably the easiest to get hold of but is relatively low resolution (100m+).

Texturing is easy to learn, difficult to master. And properly texturing a map can take fcuking ages.

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