Monday, April 23, 2012

Map Editor Error

whenever i start up the official map editor i get this error message:

"The Procedure Entry Point ?GetPlayerColourName@Moho@@YA?AV?$basic_string@DU$char_traits@D@std@@V?$allocator@D@2@@std@@H@Z could not be located in the dynamic link library MohoEngine.ddl"

and its in the right folder (gpg/supcom/bin). Any ideas :?|||Did you install the map editor with SupCom (not Forged Alliance) selected in GPGNET?|||yes, i installed it with the original supcom, and what do you mean by "selected in gpgnet"? and i've tried uninstalling and reinstalling supcom, same outcome|||Do you have Forged Alliance installed?

If you do - On bottom left of GPGNET you'll see the FA icon, the Supreme Commander icon, and the red G icon. Make sure the middle Supreme Commander one is selected.|||yes, i have installed FA, i have only used gpgnet once. :oops: cause of my unstable internet connection :(

Could you post a screenshot or something?|||I have the same problem .

But im sure my map editor file is in the Sc bin folder.

How fix these problem ?|||Copy the map editor exe from the FA folder to the SC folder, and create a new shortcut on your desktop. Worked for me. Not that you will be working out of the SC dirs, and not the FA, aka where maps save/create/need to be loaded.

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