Thursday, April 19, 2012

Map Suggestion: Another space map

Ok, Asteroids:FA is great, but I have two problems w/ it:

1. Based off a map already in the game

2. W/ expiremental wars and the Orbital wars beta, something new needs to be here.

I love the idea of "Space" territory, and a big, open map with asteriods on either side packed w/ resource points needs to come.

Spec Suggestions:

Players: 4-8

Mass points: a LOT

Hydrocarbon points: a LOT

"islands": yes

Map Majority: Motionless, waveless water w/ a space texture and lava script

size: 40X40 or 80x80

navy units disabled by default: yes

ground texture: not too hard to figure out|||I'd love to see this idea realized. I play the asteroids map quite regularly because there is such a different feel to it compared to 'ordinairy' land/sea maps. I only play against AI and I wish the AI could handle this map better.

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