Thursday, April 19, 2012

map editor, help...ty

OK let's get started I was looking for an map editor or something at least like that for FORGED ALLIANCE not the original supreme commander...

Found 2 : -unofficial from hazardx...

- official beta-released or something like that

first tried the hazardx one but there i had the error

the supreme commander install path located in the registry is not correct! Please select the location of a valid supreme commander installation!

so here you need the original supreme commander not?

then the official one... this error...

mohoengine.dll is not found please reïnstall

any olutions on that one?

:?: :?:|||You need to upload the photos to the internet, not try and link to them from your C:/|||Xenoc|||you need vanilla|||Squeenix thinks that this is wrong section|||Remmy agrees. *Moves*|||/BulletMagnet speaks in 3rd person the proper way.|||BulletMagnet

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