Tuesday, April 17, 2012

People can't download my map from the vault.

Hi, I've made a custom map and uploaded it to the vault. However people seem to be unable to download it. I can see that it's there when I search for it in the vault, but some people say they cannot find it. Has anyone come across this issue before? And if so can you reccomend any solutions? Thanks for your help.|||ok think it's a problem with the xml translation, people can download it. it just won't play online. this is what i get on the xml translation test

Gap of Rohan5125128/maps/Gap of Rohan/Gap of Rohan.scmap

rather than xml valid. could this be the problem? any sugestions as to how to fix this? spent ages on this map, and want people to enjoy it. any help much appreciated. tnx guys|||ok, i've left the map in the vault. it's called gap of rohan. it seems people can download it with some difficulty, it won't auto download from the join custom game lobby. it doesn't appear in their map lists, instead downloads to their my documents\mygames etc etc dir. Which is fine, but even when it's manully moved to the game's install dir map folder it doesn't appear in their "in- game" skirmish map options, yet it plays fine with AI on my system and the files are the same? Really don't know what else to try. HELP.

p.s it's authored under Baulkhead the tag i play by. also thanks to CroweakPL for trying to get the damned map to work.|||Works perfectly for me

Shows up in my list as: gap of rohan (Version 1) it could have something to do with me having LEM 4.4 ill do a test without it

Edit: Yep different text after gap of rohan but its still at the end of my map list. Did not test the join game map download for it.

Also the map should download in to the mygames directory and not the install directory.

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