Monday, April 16, 2012

Sim pause/freeze on custom map in skirmish/lan with AI

First, I apologize if this post is in the wrong place, or my question is easily answered in the stickied threads or by searching. I've done a few searches and skimmed all the sticky posts and I haven't seen any references to a similar problem.

I recently added AI markers to a custom map, Coastal Siege Small. (I downloaded it when someone hosted on but I can't find it by searching in the vault.. so I don't know if any of you will know it or will be able to get it easily. My info for it in says the author was -oni-, but I searched this forum and found an older 40x40 version made by LandIron).

I've tested the map a few times, first in skirmish (with 5 AI, while I was tweaking the markers) and then over Lan with a friend. Most of the skirmish tests worked fine, but in one skirmish game and 2 out of 2 attempted LAN games I encountered a bad bug.

At a seemingly random point (5-15 mins in), everything in the game freezes as if I had paused the game. My UI still worked, I could zoom and move the mouse and open my menus, but all of the units were frozen mid-action (of course, the game wasn't paused). This bug also prevents me from exiting the game, (if I exit directly to Windows, it stays stuck on the map. If I exit to the score screen it loads that but freezes when I hit "continue," and this happened on both my Vista PC and my friend's XP machine at the same time). We had to force quit via the Task Manager.

After this, we tried another custom map (to which I'd recently added AI markers) and everything went fine and we finished a very long game.

I have no previous experience with AI markers, but I read the posts from Aralez and Sorian, and downloaded HazardX's editor to make my changes. The fact that it's the sim-engine freezing, but not the overall game/UI, made me think it was AI related. I don't think it can be a matter of PC-load, since I tested it in skirmish with 5 AI, but we only used 2 during our LAN games... However, my friend's PC is older & slower, so maybe that's a factor.

So, could this be due to the addition of the AI markers? Since the bug appears intermittently (at least in skirmish) and I don't know anyone who has played it alot online, I have no way of knowing if this bug was always part of the map or if I inadvertently created it through editing.

Also note, the map does have underwater mexes (which the AI seems to use without problems), and I assume that may have required some extra scripting with the map.. maybe?

I'd appreciate any help you can provde. It's a really fun map so I'd like to fix it if I could.

Thanks|||I tested again (lan game, me+3 AI), and it froze again at 13:20.

My friend tried it on her computer (skirmish game, 3 AI), and it froze at 13:40.

Then I tried a lan game (me+3 AI) with the original map and there were no problems.. (lots of sim-slow-down near the end, but I went 40+ mins without it freezing).

That's only an N of 1 with the original map, but it seems like the AI markers are causing the problem.

I know this forum is pretty quiet, and I should be patient. I'd still appreciate any and all feedback though. Is this bug totally unheard of?|||nope ive had this one too... quite often actually. No idea what causes it though, but it is very annoying indeed.|||It's not just skirmish maps that do it. I was playing the 1st mission of the campaign last night, and it happened to me several times.|||I don't really have any knowledge on AI markers myself, although I have slapped them on to a couple of maps before. But one thing that crosses my mind, have you placed any markers in areas they shouldn't be? Like a land marker over water, etc? I don't know if that would cause it, but if the original works fine and the one with markers does not, sounds to me like there was a problem with a marker. Or it could simply have been an error that randomly occurred while saving it. Worth checking out. *shrug*|||haven't done much of marker placement myself, but maybe the height is a issue?|||I have seen this twice so far once it was with one of sorains AI's 1.99 something sorry cant remember which one (was fixed in 2.0 for sure) and the other time I seen it was when I markered up a map and left one Land path marker with no connections to other land path markers.

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