Also little to no hope of an exporter at this point, Robo will prolly take a look after he's done with his Unit exporter, but no promises.
Even then that Might not be all thats needed, we can't quite say yet.
Mike|||Unless GPG releases their mapping tools or helps us with the map format supcom2 maps will not be possible.|||Which would be a complete disaster.|||Chris promised Mod and map tools if the demand was high enough.
Time to start demanding.|||
can anyone find Mr. Hoffman's SE email address?|||Spent some more time the various .bdf files. Haven't found anything substantial yet. All map related files are the same. Here are my findings.:
The header:
Files start off with 4 bytes "MFDB" then 3 long ints that always seem to be 7, 2 and 0.
the long int at 0x10 (16) specifies the size in bytes of the data soup
the long int at 0x18 (24) speicifes the size in long ints of the long int soup
the long int at 0x1C (28) is nearly always 1, sometimes 2
The long int soup:
Seems to be incremental values, with fixed increments. I have found files where the increments are not fixed, or sometimes it decreases instead.
The data soup:
Always starts at an address divisible by 16.
If anybody at gpg is reading this, help would be appreciated.|||I love you, Robotronic.|||Mazrix|||Some of you guys are the glass is half empty types aren't you? I didn't ask for whines or excuses, I demanded map making commence - soon! Now chop chop.|||Pureon|||BulletMagnet|||Mazrix|||BOTA:99|||Plasma_Wolf|||Agreed, MAP tools required.|||BOTA:99|||Give me the tools - i'le map, also if its the pain in the a**.
I have some experience in 3D-modelling to.
Wish i could help providing info about the mapfiles, but thats to high for me.
Looks like we have greater liberty as mappers with the new engine...|||You should focus imo on the tutorial map. It's Mirror Island.
That is, assuming that "Ile Mirour" translates into the obvious. The map info file must contain the map name, so I might try hunting for that. Is there any way to know if the map file stores text in ANSI or Unicode?|||All map files (collision mode, mesh, decal placement, minimap, info, etc) have the same setup. Without knowing how gpg scrambled the map files we will not be able to do anything.
Just open the files in a hex editor... :/|||I ran a comparison of two info files. Turns out they're mostly the same. Out of 1460 bytes, only 350 didn't match.
The script for tutorial 2 references a file that doesn't exist.|||Just make it happen boys

tons of markers, no clue, maybe to improve pathing?|||There was a reference in the lua code for "blockers" that they had to use as a work around to keep units out of areas. I assume this is to prevent units from being pushed into areas they are not supposed to be in. They are probably similar to the coststamp that is used for buildings.
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