Here is an 8 player version of Balvery Mountains. Four corner islands hold two players each, while the middle island is there for expansion. Trouble is that, there are only two expansion points on that island, plus it has civilians that will not give it to anyone.
Some screenshots.
Dragon Fly :)|||What a way to stop mapping! This one is on my list for tonight...
... Edit:
I played two games against 3 Sorian Water AIX and got my *** handed to me. Nice map.|||Thanks Argonath
Map is now available from the vault.|||I love your placement of civilians. I tried Clover the other day with civilians on neutral, and they were a great boon to my war effort. I just like seeing civilian structures on maps, it adds to the feel of the map (I like city maps), and it's even better when they can be captured.|||Argonath|||That large civilian base in the middle has some strong firepower, especially against air. Nice balanced 8 player map.
Why the hills around the middle island?|||Pureon|||This map looks great. I really like the civilian defense in the middle island. |||I tried to make it difficult to take that island. But it will always draw players to try and take over it.
Thanks lord_antonius387|||lol got CMD?(Compulsive Mapping Disorder)
good map|||Another excellent map from an excellent map maker.|||I always try to make maps that will be enjoyed. It just doesn't work out that way at times.
Thanks Hyperion_Personality and slinki|||love this map, play it a lot against sorian :)|||Thanks Nivoshmael :)
New map is in the making. But it doesn't follow this theme.
Dragon Fly|||Ah, so Balvery Mountains doesn't mean "a certain map layout" but "a certain type of climate zone/textures"? Thats the reason those different lay-outed maps (Balvery 1,3,5) have the same name/"theme name".|||It has to do with the layout of the maps also. All of those maps had rock walls around islands, other than the first one. In some ways also with climate and textures, but it has more to do with the fact that they all have water.
The new map has the same textures, but is in no way related to the Balvery Mountains maps. It will be released soon very soon. Texturing a map takes the longest, after which adding decals takes a fair while also.
Dragon Fly :)
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