this tutorial will help you put a map togheter for Supreme Commander using image editing tools and hazards scenario editor (beta).
note: you can edit both height- and texturemaps with hazards scenario editor (thanks for making all this possible!). this approach shown here gives you more control and reusability.
Needed for this:
- Supreme Commander
- Hazards Scenario Editor
- Photoshop (or anything in that range)
- Nvidia DDS-Plugin
Assumptions to do this yourself:
- you are experienced in image editing
- you are able to handle layers and channels as well as levels and image modes
- you having a pretty clear picture of your future map in your head or on paper
- you can keep organized :)
Used abbreviations:
HSC = Hazard's Scenario-Editor
PS = Photoshop
SupCom = Supreme Commander
- = an action
-> = a tip or comment
1 - prepare files in hazard's editor
-> as both HSC (beta) and PS are demanding on the memory, refrain on working in both at the same time
-> if you keep HSC open, minimize it, it will stop the drain on the resources
- open HSC
- make a new level in desired size
- export heightmap (name it "heightmap_export.raw")
- export texturemap (name it "")
- export preview (name it "")
- close HSC
2 - prepare files in photoshop
- open PS
- open "heightmap_export.raw" (1 Channel, 16 bit, IBM PC)
- new file, RGB Grayscale, same dimensions, save as "heightmap_master.psd"
- open "" (RGBA, default sizes, mipmap off)
- new file, RGB Grayscale, same dimensions, save as "texturemap_master.psd"
-> the preview will not need an master, so we leave that
-> check if "" really has an "alpha1"-channel, if not, add it by hand
-> you have now 4 files open, 2 exports, 2 masters - good for start working
3 - editing heightmap
-> normaly we work on just a fraction of the available levels
-> that the heightinformation is readable to us, we will blow that fraction (see picture)
-> we use an action to crush the levels for export (described later)
this is how we keep the heightinformation readable to us while editing
-> manage your mountains, fjords etc in folders, that you can move or copy them if needed
-> this example shows a setup with just 5 height-layers, for simplicity
now we start our way up from the lowest level, one by one. remember to start this with a clear plan in head or paper.
this level will be just below the water level - for nicer beaches
-> layer in example is rgb:31
-> done by lasso tool, then work on the egdes with a blurry erasor (large size, low flow)
-> if you have islands, here they become their basic shapes
this level is just over the water level
-> layer in example is rgb:47
-> fill the hole map for land maps, and do holes in it for lakes
-> test the levels (with proper export to HSC, see below) in HSC, adjust levels if needed
this is the first higher level, containing some cliffs
-> layer in example is rgb:60
-> do cliffs with an erasor (art-brush, 17px), high opacity and flow
starting to define mountains here, also have some cliffs, or joining other levels cliffs
-> layer in example is rgb:66
working on mountain here
-> layer in example is rgb:91
-> to get some features here, use artbrush 17px to do some noise on the mountain (low flow)
top of mountains added and added the bottom of the sea
-> layer in example is rgb:135 (mountain top), rgb:12/25 (seafloor)
-> bottom of the sea done by render clouds with two low level colors
now you have defined you basic layers and worked on their egdes. their color reflects their altitude. be sure to test your edits, adjust with brightness on the layer in question.
- select all and copy merged on master, paste in to export and save
- for proper heightmap export, an action is needed (for same output every time):
-- Flatten Image
-- Brightness -10 & Contrast -80 (my values)
-- Save as "heightmap_export.raw" (1 Channel, 16 bit, IBM PC)
-> ensure proper settings in your export-action early
this is how the export looks with adjusted levels
this is how the import in HSC will look like, water level still needs to be set
4 - keep height- / texturemap in sync
-> after each greater edit on the heightmap, do following:
- select all and copy merged on "heightmap_master.psd"
- new image, paste contents
- resize to new size -> (size-1)/2 (ie. 1025 (heightmap) -> 512 (texturemap) etc.)
- copy contents to "texturemap_master.psd", call the layer "heightmap matching"
- close the temporary image to free memory
-> use it for correct placement of your textures
5 - edit texturemap
-> be sure to have all major features set in the heightmap, before starting with the texture map
first we have to decide on how those 5 textures on the map shall be used. basic textures as grass, sand, stone are mostly needed.
-> in HSC RGBA-channels are distributed like this (Layer1: default, L2: R, L3: G, L4: B, L5: A).
-> RGBA: R lowest proi -> A: highest texture prio
the layer 1 cannot be edited and paints everthing lacking any other texture.
in PS, start doing folders for each of the definable 4 (RGBA) layers on the "texturemap_master.psd". name them "Grass", "Stone" etc for easy access, you can switch the visibility off on the folder you are not working on.
if you have an layer you like to paint over others, you have to copy it on a later of the RGBA-channels of the export. switching channels in PS also means picking new textures in HSC.
-> work just with white and opacity for simplicity (not like on heightmap)
-> levels below 50% opacity will fail to been shown at all
-> only paint those areas with more then one texture at a time where its really needed
with the heightmap matching and the edited channel on 20% visibilty, helps working on it
-> use of artistic brushes helps to get a natural effect
grass channel on full view, notice the heightmap matching is still visible in the back
working on the cliffs and the mountains, has to be checked in SC for best placing
- now work on each of the texture channels until you have you desired results.
"texturemap_master.psd" Grass folder visible, black background (note: textures organized in folders)
- you have to hide the heightmap matching and have a black background
- just make of one of your four texture-folders (ie. Grass, see above picture) visible
- copy merged and paste into the target channel (ie. Red, see below picture) of ""
- repeat this three times for the remaining channels
"" Red channel selected (note: textures organized in channels)
- now save "" (CTRL+S) without changing the DDS-settings (8:8:8:8 ARGB (32 bit)).
6 - finish the map
- export, save masters and close PS (recommended)
- open HSC and open the map
- import height- / texturemap
- set textures and waterlevel, test in SupCom with proper conditions
- if not satisfied repeat steps 3 thru 6 until satisfaction is clearly present
- set markers, props, decals
- edit infotext
- save map
- close HSC
- test in SupCom and dont forget the screenshot for the preview (all zomed out)
HSC - markers set on the map.
SupCom - this is how it may turn out
- open "" and paste screenshot, fit map into picture and save
- import "" into HSC, check in SupCom if OK
7 - quality management
-> following is IMHO to be considered prior release
- no mechanical problems (ie. stuck units etc)?
- even layout for every player?
- mex / energy distribution ok?
- AI markers set and tested?
- no bigger texture glitches and texture aligned to heightmap?
- normal maps for textures properly set?
- map-description and preview ok?
- some screenshots to post with release taken and uploaded?
- all intended routes accessable for the biggest unit (ie. fat boy)?
- does preview match the start positions in the game lobby?
- readme done with credit to all sources & testers?
good luck with your own map! :)|||cons of this tut:
-its cut and dry
pros of this tut:
-if you can't handle cut and dry, you shouldn't be map editing until offical tools are available
*big smile*
Thanks sveno!|||:) thanks LeVirus
well, its a rather large task and its also demanding, to remind you: it's just one way of doing things
i will go into details where asked and reasonable...|||Thanks for taking the time to do this tutorial! It is very helpful.|||ok - gotta rewrite that part :)
stay tuned
PS: yes: your basically right, just, i do a merged copy, i never actually merge anything on the master.
i keep the heightlayers seperate so that i can organize my terrain layout, if one of them is on the wrong height, then i have to adjust that layers level (or brightness). this gives better control on cost of more work :)
i keep them at full opacity because i had bad results with stacking transparent areas over each other for a heightmap.
will clear out the text|||edit: ah, ok thanks :)|||yacoub|||i added screenshots to previous post where I am confused.
hmm so i can copy from folder Group into Channel? I will try that next. Thanks for the help!
update - yes cool that worked for getting teh Alpha channel! good. now to try to export to dds :)
ps I'm sure your English is much better than me trying to speak your native language
one more - when I go to save DDS file it asks me in NVidia screen which type of DDS - there's a long list. It defaults to one with No Alpha. There are several Alpha choices:
I chose 1-bit Alpha.
hmm yeah i must have done something wrong.. Import > Texturemap didn't change any texturing on the map... it's still one big nasty desert lol|||well, if you gone by the tutorial, you should have pasted your work into that "" i myself can just hit save & enter, and its in the right format.
but anyways: thats the setting: 8:8:8:8 ARGB (32 bit)
now, note: HSC (and SupCom) reads it as RGBA, just to point that out :)|||yeah i was working in the wrong file at some point lol. too tired.... need sleep. :)
good to know it's the 8888 one for next time|||
(done) - open "texture" (RGBA, default sizes, mipmap off)
(done) - resize to new size -> (size/2)-1 (ie. 1025 (heightmap) -> 512 (texturemap) etc.)
(done) -> in HSC RGBA-channels are distributed like this (L1: default, L2: R, L3: G, L4: B, L5: A).
(done) I failed to be able to go from white to a color channel. Could you elaborate on this more? (Beautiful merging image in part 5)
will work on the rest... :)
done, does it makes sense to you now?|||You are such a cheater! Using grass to show a number on the texture map. I thought it was a decal the first time I saw it. Brilliant.|||hehe, didn't use decals yet :)
have no problems adding them in HSC, just seem not be able to select them correctly.
placement of them is a little fuzzy, so i refrain from using them...
i'd rather place markers/props/decals on a 2d-map than a 3d one.|||Great, thanks for the update!|||ok one more question:
When it comes to the texture map: After you've created the folders and have a layer in each folder that has highlighted in white whatever area that folder is to get (Grass, Stone, Sand, etc), the next step is a bit uncertain.
Are you saying you then take each folder and copy one folder to one Channel each? Like folder Grass gets copied to Channel Red, folder Sand to Channel Green, folder Stone to Channel Blue? And what about the Alpha 1 channel?
And then the next step is to save it as a DDS 8:8:8:8 right?
Thanks.|||yacoub|||okay cool i think that's what i was doing... just can't test it again until this evening at home. =)|||Not just a godlike mapper, but also a great tutorial writer. Amazing work! People still need to know what they are doing, but this is a limitation of this mapping style and cannot be solved with a tutorial. Also nice work on those images. They really clear things up alot.|||sveno|||Thanks, my first map is now texturing properly! Yay! Thanks again sveno. =)
edit: here's my silly little test map. :)|||hey there yacoub
looked at your map in the morning before work.
good job, textures are properly aligned. its a pretty hard task, but if you gotten into it, you may produce very controllable results.
now you gotta try some mountains! |||@ HazardX
i was just lucky to find that way of doing these maps :)
sometimes teaching courses in various things (photoshop , visio, etc.) helps, my english not (ohne leo wär ich verloren :))
now this more a briefing for experienced people. as both editors will include internal heigthmap-editing, this will be the steep hill to take to go "source" way.
@ All
i did not glimpse an unanswered question, please do ask if unclear with an specific point in this tutorial.|||@ sveno
this is one damn awsome tut man. I've been using PS for doing my heightmaps for my BF2 maps for ages thou I've never though about doing it in layers etc :)
Thou I myself dont know that about photoshop, I can only do the basics so if you could maybe exspand your tut a little to exsplain what tools etc you used in photoshop, or put afew links up to photoshop tuts that would be revelant to this tut that would be really sweet!
anyways I'm still trying to think of a map idea for a quick supcom map thou I dont have much time, but anyways if you like add me to xfire/MSN
Xfire: rhinorage
Also I was thinking about using L3DT to do the texture map thou your way dose look easier :)|||well, as for links to online-tuts, i have none witch would help in this task.
there are just too few messing with these things...
but i will post some tips on doing cliffs and mountains on the weekend.
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